Forum Activity for @michael

02/13/25 08:15:48PM
7,793 posts

Visitors stream limit

Using Jamroom

I would expect by not setting a limit.
02/12/25 03:58:11PM
7,793 posts

Visitors stream limit

Using Jamroom

There's no modules built to do what you're asking. You'd need to do something custom.

You can limit the number of songs a profile can add, but nothing exists to stop visitors from viewing.
02/08/25 11:51:14PM
7,793 posts

Youtube error message

Using Jamroom

Youtube has cut you off for using too much data. Try again tomorrow.
02/08/25 11:50:36PM
7,793 posts

Unable to process your request

Using Jamroom

Try to remember if you've changed anything recently. Change that back and see if it still happens.

Failing that, check your servers error logs for hints.
02/04/25 08:41:20PM
7,793 posts

Member, but not showing In the menu.

Using Jamroom

Only you know the setup of your site. If you want help then you need to explain what your current setup is and what the problem you want help with is or your posts will just get ignored.
01/29/25 04:37:36PM
7,793 posts

nvalid Signup Account Type

Using Jamroom

Its a configuration issue, check all the steps. Make sure you have a signup quota.
01/29/25 04:36:44PM
7,793 posts

Config php.

Using Jamroom

I do not understand the question. Could you rephrase it?
01/29/25 04:35:54PM
7,793 posts


Using Jamroom

Open the developer tools console, see what the more information says.

You do that by pressing F12 then going to the CONSOLE tab.
01/25/25 10:45:43PM
7,793 posts

Download info

Installation and Configuration

You can download the community edition and install that, that's the free version. Some hosting companies have an auto-install button.

You're licenses are tied to your account so when you setup the marketplace in your site you will be asked to provide your email and key which for you can be found here:

After entering that key all the prices should disappear from the modules in the MARKETPLACE tab of your site so you should be able to install them.
details.jpg details.jpg - 777KB

updated by @michael: 01/25/25 10:46:37PM